How to lose 5 kg a week quickly at home?

To lose 5 kg per week, you need to radically change your lifestyle during this time. Losing weight in such a short time must be accompanied by a competent approach. Exhausting fasting will lead to the fact that after a week the weight will be restored and the condition of the body will worsen. You need to remember to follow dietary restrictions after the end of the express diet to maintain the required weight.

Method selection

To make sense of sudden weight loss, it is worth choosing a diet that will fit the body perfectly and generally will not be a painful process. Weight loss indicators should be recorded and stored for the future. The weekly period is quite short and the problem of losing 5 kg can be solved radically only by changing the daily diet, which will lead to a sharp reduction in calorie intake.

Other healthy solutions like sports, normalizing your daily routine, etc. will not have time to work. They can be considered in the future to maintain the achieved weekly result or to continue to lose weight, shape the body and increase muscle tone. Their result is about 3-5 kg ​​per month.


In the morning on an empty stomach do not forget to drink a glass of clean warm water or apple juice or vinegar drink consisting of 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. In any case, do not miss breakfast - a small amount of porridge will give the body the necessary energy for the whole day.

Lunch should include a vegetable dish and not fried but cooked meat (beef, chicken, preferably breast). In the evening - snacks, for example, vegetable salad, steamed fish, cottage cheese, 200 ml of kefir or yogurt. It will be difficult to endure a new diet, but if the feeling of hunger becomes stronger, you can afford a snack consisting exclusively of vegetables.

This diet will provide the body with all the necessary elements and will encourage it to use the accumulated fat, which leads to weight loss.

Basic eating rules:

  • Drink 2-2, 5 liters of water a day.
  • Eat 3-5 times a day, try not to overeat or stay hungry during the day.
  • Eat up to 200-350 grams of food at a time and try not to oversalt the food for about 30-40 days, ideally giving up salt.
  • Eliminate fatty foods from your diet.
  • Refrain from sugar, replace it with honey.
  • Avoid eating wheat flour products (pasta, noodles), freshly baked bread. They will not allow the body to lose those extra pounds.
  • Refrain from greasy mayonnaise, sauces and dressings. This will provide an excellent opportunity to reduce the volume of the legs.
  • Eliminate spices and condiments that stimulate the appetite: garlic, black pepper, horseradish and others. They lead to an increase in the amount of food consumed, which is unacceptable in the process of losing weight.
  • Skip the fruits in the afternoon.
  • Eliminate alcohol from your diet. Where alcohol is present, high-calorie foods automatically appear - the biggest enemy of weight loss.
  • As an experiment, try eating from small plates. This simple psychological approach can be quite effective and will help mislead the brain and stomach.
  • Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. This should be done in the kitchen or dining room, not behind the TV or book. This makes it easier to control the amount of food and the taste of the food is felt better.

Physical activity

The load on the body is chosen individually, taking into account the training, preferences and capabilities. This can be a simple morning warm-up or walk, strength training in the gym or a visit to the pool.

But it is worth remembering that the intensity and duration should not be maximal, it is not necessary to exhaust the body, which is already under stress from the change in diet and rhythm of life. Everything should be moderate and competent:

  • Light morning exercises, which are best done 60 minutes after waking up, will help speed up metabolic processes.
  • Those who prefer strength training should review their usual training program and consult a personal trainer, not forgetting to clarify about the special diet.
  • 20 minutes of weight training or 20 minutes of jogging will help you burn calories and boost your metabolism for the whole day.
  • During weight loss you should rest for about 6-8 hours. Prolonged sleep or lack of sleep inhibits weight loss. At night, the body expends a lot of energy to work all internal systems and organs and accordingly consumes calories. Proper sleep is another helper in the therapy of the body.

Start doing a few simple stretching and muscle workouts at home and develop a personal workout that will increase sweating. The last ten minutes of your workout should be the hardest (in the first days of your workout).

Additional procedures and methods

To get the desired results (minus 5 kg), all means will work, but you must do everything sensibly and rationally to weigh the steps. By choosing additional procedures, combined with diet and serious physical activity, you can quickly achieve the goal.

Some of them need to be done in the course of training, this will significantly increase their effectiveness. You can use "packaging", cosmetic products in the form of creams with different effects aimed at shaping the body, you can wear special training clothes made of special materials, which improves blood circulation, has thermal insulation properties and improves the process of lipolysis. Visiting the massage parlor, sauna and swimming pool is also a good option.

Diets and recipes

There are three main options for how to lose up to 5 kg in one week at home:

  • Monodiet. The conclusion is the use of mainly one product (rice, kefir, apples, buckwheat, cottage cheese).
  • By significantly reducing food intake (starvation diet).
  • As a result of diets with the longest possible result (protein). Suitable mainly for men.

Such diets are not recommended for people with fatigue, gastrointestinal diseases, anemia and chronic diseases. You should not go on a diet in the spring when the body is weak.

Sample menu with recipes for monodiet:

  • On an empty stomach: 200 ml of hot water with lemon wedges and a spoonful of honey.
  • Breakfast: 1/3 of porridge, tea (without sugar) or vegetable juice (beets, tomatoes, pumpkin). It is imperative to study the effect of vegetable juices on the body, for example, beet juice significantly lowers blood pressure and can cause diarrhea, not recommended for kidney disease.
  • Lunch: 1/3 of the pre-prepared porridge.
  • Dinner: the rest of the cereal.
ways to lose weight by 5 pounds a week

During each diet you can drink green tea without restrictions, only without sugar. Of the liquids, it helps to lose weight and cleanse the body and is very useful.

Pumpkin will effectively help even lazy weight loss and at the same time will restore the body. It is recommended that the pumpkin be consumed in combination with vegetables or individually in any acceptable form (in the form of porridge or roast). It is prepared quite simply. You need to cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add water and simmer until semi-cooked for about 30 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of rice or oatmeal, continue to simmer for another half hour. You can add honey to the finished porridge, but try not to salt it.

The use of choleretic herbal preparations based on immortelle, dandelion, bun will allow the body to quickly break down fat and thus lose weight. Fat will burn and will not accumulate in problem areas. These drinks should not be used by people with pancreatitis, hepatitis or functional bowel disease.

To effectively cleanse the body when losing weight, it is useful to take cabbage juice. It will improve metabolic processes, will prevent the accumulation of fat from carbohydrates. It is recommended to drink up to 2-3 glasses of this juice a day in the morning on an empty stomach, then - an hour before meals. It is useful to drink it with carrot or beet juice.

Kefir diet

Kefir diet is considered a very effective real way to lose weight fast with 5 kg at home. It is shown to relatively healthy and strong people, allows not only to remove excess weight and centimeters in the abdomen and other problem areas, but also cleans the body of toxins.

The advantage of this diet is that it is short and very simple - there is no need to buy special foods and invent a diet. The essence of the diet is that you need to drink 1, 5 liters of kefir daily. You can eat foods such as apples, oranges, buckwheat, boiled chicken breast. You only need to adhere to the recommended diet for three days. During this time, drink 1, 5 liters of water daily.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet is another effective way to lose weight fast. To do this, you need to eat buckwheat prepared in a special way within a week:

  • At night, a glass of cereal is poured with two glasses of boiling water (you can do this in a thermos).
  • The next day, eat without spices and soups, washed with kefir or green tea.

Kefir is allowed to drink no more than 1 liter per day. The duration of the diet is one week. Consumption of fruit and sugar-free black tea is allowed, but not recommended.

Remember, in order not to deprive your body of nutrients, doctors strongly recommend that women take vitamin supplements while losing weight.

Experts do not recommend in any case to buy incomprehensible diet pills at the pharmacy, on the Internet and on the advice of dubious consultants. These drugs are based on a banal laxative and frequent use of such drugs can seriously harm the body, lead to dehydration, upset the gastrointestinal tract or the appearance of diseases of various natures.


Wandering around the internet, you can often come across materials on the topic of express weight loss in preparation for summer. Moreover, many of them recommend very terrible methods, which sooner or later can lead to terrible consequences. These can be recommendations for refusing food, exhaustion of the body and even conspiracies.

One of the most ridiculous methods is the last one. It is recommended for girls who want to lose weight to say certain words in the toilet once a day and then the weight quickly disappears. The only positive aspect will be the improvement of the mood of others.

But there are more dangerous ways that hurt. Many sources recommend baking soda for weight loss. The fact is that soda neutralizes the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to its pathologies. As for using baking soda as a bath, you can do it in any amount, but it is unlikely to help.

It is worth warning that it is absolutely contraindicated to lose weight in children or adolescents at such an accelerated pace. Any diet at this age can be prescribed only by a doctor and conducted under his supervision.